Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Welcome Home . . . To the ninth circle of Hell

My, oh my, is it hot! It's almost too hot to knit, but as the pattern is called Sizzle, the irony ain't lost on me. The drive home yesterday wasn't too bad, but stopping off to get a Starbucks nearly did me in. Something about going from a cold car to a hot rest stop was nearly the end for me. And, since Betty and Veronica can't drive yet (not that they didn't offer), we would have been screwed.

.All was not lost; when I got home these were waiting for me. Ironically enough, I didn't get to look through them first as Betty snagged Interweave Knits and Veronica snatched Vogue Knits. It was kind of odd, but Vogue has almost as many nice patterns as IK did and that hasn't happened in a long time.

The real fun came this morning. I woke up at the normal time (6 ish) to a very hot room. Since we don't have central air as we bought a "charming" older home - meaning, too old to have central air - we rely on ceiling fans and window fans. Unfortunately, the window fan's motor burned out during the night. Nothing major, I thought, I'll just run to Target (and Wal-Mart and K-Mart) and buy a new one. First, let's go make some coffee and check email. Imagine finding the freezer door open with the bomb-pops from last night now melted all over the floor and refrigerator! Nice little project for Ava this morning before the coffee. Anyway, it truly was too hot to care at this point in the game and it still is. Suffice it to say, once the heat is above a certain level, it generally can't make me much more miserable.

So, Lola, I am thinking about taking the Mer-Lin on the girls' cruise to make some hand towels next week. I think that they will be easier to do than the socks that I was talking about. If I get the Euroflax in time, I will knit one up in that as well. Personally, I can't wait to do a comparison. Did you see that Vogue had a pair of socks knit out of Trekking? They were super cute (my new word, say it with the requisite Elle Woods' lisp) and I might have to order a few skeins.

Love and miss you,

PS - I have your Starbucks travel mug (I must have taken the clean one after I packed the new, unused one) and your phone charger (it looks like Betty and Veronica's charger) and will mail them to you tomorrow. I swear!